Search, Micscape Magazine, and for Microscopes and Accessories.
Updated November 29th 2023

This is the search engine for Microscopy-uk and Micscape Magazine.
We no-longer scan other microscopy resources on the internet as many now include adverts.
We don't like ads, except our own, and we don't like sites which invoke tracking. We don't.
This search does not locate zip files. It finds all docs, html,and pdfs only. To locate zip files, please go (link to do)

Enter one or more keywords to search for using the Zoom Search Engine.
Note that '*' and '?' wildcards are supported.
If your results return a blank page, please refresh the frame (if coming via
or the page if you access the search engine directly, in your browser. Mouse click right button, select refresh.
If you receive error code 500, please reload the page.



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